Spirit of Liberty Classes

"It is a pious duty to rescue the memory of the great and good men who achieved our independence, from that oblivion into which it is fast falling. Year after year as it rolls by, diminishes the still surviving number of their followers, and their equals and companions have, without an exception, gone to their long homes. Thus many important facts and incidents of that great struggle, which lived only in the memory of their actors, have been lost forever, and those still preserved by tradition, will soon share the same fate, unless the attempt at preservation be now made.
~ Henry A. Muhlenberg, 1849

On July 2, 1776, inside Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Founding Fathers in the Continental Congress voted to approve a complete separation from Great Britain; on July 4th they signed the Declaration of Independence, and on July 8th they carried the Declaration outside, read it aloud to the crowd that had gathered and the rang the Liberty Bell.

With these actions, these fifty-six men with no army, navy or military of their own, pledging their "lives, fortunes and sacred honor" to defeat the world's greatest military power, started events in motion that have allowed the United States of America to celebrate more than 230 years of existence and become the longest, constitutionally-controlled government in the history of the world.

Were these actions by happenstance; or was there something Divinely Inspired behind them? Join us for a journey back to the founding of our Nation to learn the Truth about our history and the impact Faith had on both the Founding Fathers and the foundation of our Country; and see why George Washington declared "religion and morality are fundamental supports" for our political prosperity.
This is the Spirit of Liberty 

Below you will find information regarding the eight modules of class material that are offered in a live, classroom format. Please contact me if you'd like to host the class. It can be presented it in eight, one-hour formats; in two, four-hour formats; or other variations can be customized.

Module One - How Much Do You Think You Know?

This first module is an overview explaining how this class is a journey back to the founding of our Nation to learn the Truth about our history and the impact Faith had on both the Founding Fathers and the foundation of our Country.  Information will come directly from the original source documents (e.g. archived images from the Library of Congress); not “educators” opinions without citation. Included in this session is a political quiz testing each participants perceived knowledge; genesis of the three branches of our government; and a history of Bibles in the U.S. (guaranteed to be eye-raising!).

Module Two - American's Christian Foundation
This lesson provides some biographical information on some of the "lesser known" Founding Fathers.

Module Three - Church and State Relations
There is a mistaken notion that is prevalent in society today - that is the idea that the concept of "separation of church and state" is codified in the Constitution. It is not. So, if its not there, where did the idea come from? What is its original intent; did it mean what we think it does? This session will provide an in-depth study of the concept and what it should mean to us today. 

Module Four - How Pastors Shaped our Independence
Our Republic's existence owes a tremendous amount to pastors in our early colonies. Who were these individuals? How did they help gain our independence? What are the lessons for modern-day pastors to learn from their predecessors? 
Module Five American Education
Did you know that for the first couple hundred years of America's history, education was done at home, then schools were established in the late eighteenth century - both "institutions" relied heavily on one specific textbook: The Bible. In addition, each of our Ivy League colleges were established as a seminary - what happened? This session gives a history of education in America and how integral the Bible was to teaching.

Module Six - The Judicial System
This session will give an overview of the American judicial system; significant court cases that impacted religious rights; examples of egregious judicial activism and steps that citizens can take to engage the judicial problem. 

Module Seven - Early Black History
Many people can tell you about Martin Luther King, Jr. or Malcolm X; but how many know about the first black members of Congress, or the first double-agent that was instrumental to America defeating the British at Yorktown? Our early black history is virtually unknown - this session will present information regarding significant black Americans.

Module Eight - What to do Now?
Now that the participants have received all of this information, this last week will explain what they should do with it. As a whole, the American Church has failed to infuse its people with a sense of mission as to politics; not so much as to “who” to vote for, but rather “why” we should vote. In the 2008 elections, sadly millions of churchgoing Christians didn’t even bother to vote.  Christians ought to know what they believe and why they believe it. But, they really need to know how Christian beliefs impact political and social issues. Christians have to get smart about politics because the freedom of the church – in the U.S. and abroad – and thus the church’s ability to spread the Good News of Christ depends on politics.

As Christians, we have dual citizenship – we are citizens of the Kingdom of God and we are also citizens of an earthly kingdom. With dual citizenship comes dual commissions. The first is a “Cultural Commission,” found in Genesis 1:28, where God gave us the responsibility to establish and develop culture and society. The second is the Great Commission whereby we are to take the gospel message to every people group. However, while most Christians at least acknowledge the Great Commission, many do not understand the Cultural Commission, and fewer still actually perform their Commissions.  The word commission is a military term meaning ‘an authoritative order, charge or direction.’…As an authoritative order, obedience is not an option. To disobey would be considered an act of treason.

The consequences of Christians failing to engage the culture are significant: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Bring the Spirit of Liberty to your venue and learn how to begin to follow Christ's marching orders.

To have this training brought to your venue, contact Rev. Powell at: missionliberty@gmail.com.

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